Complex projects and tasks demand integrative solutions based on a broad spectrum of experience. This conviction has systematically characterised our method of working.
We involve participants and affected parties in all projects. We take all boundary conditions into account and address all the possible alternatives.

Practical workshop “Optimised grid integration of renewable electricity in Ukraine: strategic steps and priorities”

10 March 2020

We have been honored to organize a practical workshop “Optimised grid integration of renewable electricity in Ukraine: strategic steps and priorities” on behalf of our client German Energy Agency (dena) in partnership with Ukrenergo. The event took place on the 5th of March in Kyiv.
Within the project, where iC consulenten is a policy consultant, we first carried out a desk top analysis of the RES market in Ukraine, identified certain policy priorities, which were further reconfirmed with market experts and stakeholders, and suggested four key strategic sessions for the workshop:
• Clear overall country strategy and internal/ external communication
• Improvement of balancing market functionality and increased grid capacities
• Organisation and launch of auctions
• Promotion of investment opportunities and innovation technologies
Output gained during strategic sessions and brainstorming discussions will results in Action Plans and ideas for future projects in Ukraine. It is clear that there is lots to do in this strategically important sector of Ukraine’s economy.
We thank all the participants and moderators for joint efforts and content contributions!

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