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iC consulenten together with experts developed a White Paper on Asbestos-containing Materials Management Methodology for Ukraine  

26 January 2024

Experts from CES clean energy solutions, iC consulenten Ukraine and Neo Eco presented common recommendations for the management of asbestos-containing materials (ACM).

On October 1, 2023, the Law of Ukraine “On the Public Health System” prohibiting the use of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials in Ukraine came into force. It specifically prohibits ACM usage (slate, certain types of pipes, and insulation materials) in reconstruction and new construction projects. Asbestos-containing materials discovered during the reconstruction and repair processes must be removed and disposed of as hazardous waste.

Although, there are currently no regulations in Ukraine outlining the process of ACM disposal, the demand for such information is constantly increasing, given the number of buildings requiring renovation. Such investment projects, often implemented with IFI funds, necessitate asbestos disposal procedures aligned with the highest international standards.

Therefore, White Paper on Asbestos-containing Materials Management Methodology for all responsible stakeholders (designers, supervisors, construction and transport companies, landfills, operators, financial institutions, local and state authorities, etc.) has been developed.

“As an Engineering and Consulting company involved in the rehabilitation of buildings and critical infrastructure in Ukraine for more than 15 years, we regularly had to deal with hazardous construction materials, specifically, asbestos-containing materials.

In the absence of national legislation harmonised with international standards on handling hazardous materials, such as asbestos, as well as the limited presence of market players (engineers/designers, construction companies, supervisors, etc.) in Ukraine used to work in line with international standards, we have developed method statements, training programs and verification mechanisms for each project specifically to satisfy to a large extend international regulations.

Even though Ukraine has been facing a war situation in the country for almost two years, we are very impressed that the national government has adopted significantly their asbestos-related legislation providing some guidelines on how to handle these hazardous materials.

We fully understand the harmonisation process and the awareness of the market is not yet reached. Therefore, it is essential to share our experience gained over more than 15 years of work in Ukraine with International Financing organisations, Ukrainian stakeholders in the construction sector and the government. 

Together with other environmental experts in the building and infrastructure rehabilitation sector, we are pleased to share a guiding document that shall support the practical implementation of national and international standards”, said Andreas Helbl, managing partner of CES clean energy solutions.

One of the most important goals of this initiative is to support the authorities in further developing rules and regulations that will create clear rules for all participants in the process.

Bart Gruyaert, Director of Neo Eco Ukraine, noted: “With millions of tons of asbestos-containing materials in Ukraine, Neo-Eco Ukraine is proud to have collaborated with CES, iC Ukraine and other experts in developing a timely and comprehensive White Paper on asbestos management. The widespread distribution and promotion of this document will contribute to progressive attaining the highest benchmarks in public safety, averting a potential environmental disaster, cultivating heightened responsibility in handling hazardous materials, and pioneering innovative practices for their efficient recycling.”

The White Paper was created on the pro bono basis.

The experts involved in their preparation have practical experience in working with ACM both in and outside of Ukraine. As a result, the presented document is fully compliant with Ukrainian legislation and reflects the realities of ACM management in Ukraine, namely:

– limited availability of equipment;

– limited laboratory infrastructure;

– limited or absence of qualified/trained labour forces;

– limited awareness of international best practices among national stakeholders;

– limited financial resources.

The recommendations comprehensively address the entire cycle of ACM management, from verification and identification to treatment and disposal.

“I hope that as a result of our cooperation, the number of contractors and supervision specialists will increase, so that they not only understand the problem of managing asbestos-containing materials as hazardous waste and comply with the requirements of the current legislation in this area but also know how to organise the process following the best international practices in the industry,” said Julia Chorna, iC Ukraine’s Environmental and Sustainability Expert.

The Methodological Recommendations are available here.


Andreas HELBL      

Julia CHORNA        


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