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Project to mark the 10th anniversary of iC consulenten in Ukraine: a study tour to Vienna for female students from Trostianets

30 May 2023

Trostianets is a city of incredible strength. It fought back against the enemy at the beginning of the Russian invasion and has the strength to rebuild and become even better than before the full-scale war. We believe that towns like this are the foundation of a prosperous Ukraine. Towns like Trostianets need special attention and support. They are the future eastern border of the EU.

So, a year ago, together with our partners, we launched one of our largest volunteer projects – the development of a master plan for Trostianets. It is now ready, and the town has successfully presented it and is preparing to implement it. 

But we do not plan to stop supporting the city.

The 10th anniversary of iC consulenten in Ukraine is a good opportunity to share the achievements of Vienna with the city through real ambassadors – young people who will become the basis for the future development of Trostianets.

We are also organising a study tour for female students from Trostianets who are studying technical specialities at Ukrainian universities and/or young professionals in this field who live and work in Trostianets.

The aim of the project is to introduce young women from Trostianets who see their future in technical professions to European urbanism and infrastructure on the example of Vienna and to inspire them to take an active part in the revival of Trostianets. Throughout the trip to Vienna, there will be an active training programme developed by iC consulenten. Two participants will be selected.

The selection will be made on a competitive basis. Participants aged from 18 to 25 who dream of a technical, construction and architectural speciality or female students of 1-5 years of Ukrainian universities studying in technical (engineering, energy, etc.) and construction and architectural specialities are invited to participate, as well as young professionals in this field who live and work in Trostianets.

By having girls take part in the competition, we aim to embody our values, which we adhere to in our work – expanding women’s access to technical specialities.

To take part in the competition, you need to draft an essay in English on the topic “Vienna’s inspiration for Trostianets – what our rebuilt Trostianets can be like” and fill in the Google form. The essay should be attached to the form as an attachment. Knowledge of English at the upper-intermediate level is a prerequisite for participation in the programme.

The form and essay must be completed and uploaded by 20 June 2023. The finalists may be interviewed in English before the final decision is made.

The winners of the competition will be selected by the competition committee, which will include representatives of iC consulenten and representatives of the Trostianets City Hall.

Stages of the competition

29 May – 20 June 2023 – submission of essays.

20 June – 15 July 2023 – evaluation of essays and interviews (if necessary).

15 July – announcement of the winners.

Second half of August 2023 – a 5-day trip to Vienna. The exact dates will be agreed with the participants additionally. Travel, accommodation, out-of-pocket expenses for meals, transport, etc. will be covered by iC consulenten.

We wish you inspiration! We look forward to reading your essays!

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